Desert Passion (1993) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Carlo Gustaff.
Released: 1993.
Runtime: 70 min.
Genres: Drama, Crime.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As: Fantasias Sexuais.
Movie Info:
Actors: Jeri Thompson, Carrie Janisse, Missy Browning, Tony Bond, Nicole Lyn Marinello, Madison Monk, Merle Nicks, Nicholas Hill, Scott McElroy, Nicholas Wright, Yvonne Davis, Michael McMillen, Amy Thomson, Nicole Sassaman, Elizabeth Christiansen.
Plot: Two show-business women leave Los Angeles for Las Vegas, but are kidnapped in the desert by bogus state troopers and taken to a laboratory/
prison. Males come here to have sexual fantasies, which the two females and other pulchritudinous captives fulfill. The captors administer a hypnotic medication to improve their performances. Then, a country hitchhiker they met at a petrol station volunteers to help the girls.
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Crime Drama